South-west monsoon has arrived in Kerala. Heavy rains have been reported since Saturday night in the central and southern districts of the state, an official of the India Meteorological Department said. Rains have also hit some parts of Tamil Nadu, south Bay of Bengal and south Andaman Sea, the official said on Sunday. Kumarakom, the pristine tourist destination in Kerala, has recorded the heaviest rainfall of 12 cm, he said.
"The onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala took place in association with an upper air cyclonic circulation over southeast Arabian Sea off Kerala coast," the Indian Meterological Department said in a statement. "Southwest monsoon has also advanced into most parts of south Arabian Sea and some parts of Tamil Nadu, south Bay of Bengal and south Andaman Sea." "Conditions are favourable for further advance of southwest monsoon over some more parts of Arabian Sea, remaining parts of Kerala, some more parts of Tamil Nadu, south Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea and some parts of Karnataka during the next 2-3 days," the statement said.
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