Former RSS chief KS Sudarshan has gone missing in Mysore. Sudarshan had gone for a morning walk at 5 am on Friday morning and has not yet returned. The 81-year-old former RSS leader was staying at his brother's place in Nazarabad, Mysore. His brother has filed a complaint with the Mysore Police. Police have launched a hunt for Sudarshan.
A missing complaint has been lodged with the police who have launched a search operation for the former RSS chief. Reports claim that Sudarshan was staying at his brother's home in Mysore. RSS activists are also searching for Sudarshan. 81-year-old Sudarshan, who is believed to be suffering from dementia, had lost his way and was later found taking rest under a tree after being exhausted on the road leading to Lalith Mahal helipad, RSS and police sources said. Earlier, the complaint by his brother Ramesh, with whom he was staying for the past three days, created a scare, with police and RSS volunteers launching a vigorous search for him.
A missing complaint has been lodged with the police who have launched a search operation for the former RSS chief. Reports claim that Sudarshan was staying at his brother's home in Mysore. RSS activists are also searching for Sudarshan. 81-year-old Sudarshan, who is believed to be suffering from dementia, had lost his way and was later found taking rest under a tree after being exhausted on the road leading to Lalith Mahal helipad, RSS and police sources said. Earlier, the complaint by his brother Ramesh, with whom he was staying for the past three days, created a scare, with police and RSS volunteers launching a vigorous search for him.
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