Former Congress leader and renowned Farmer's leader, Rajesh Pilot on 11th June, Tuesday remembered on his death anniversary with people paying homage at various places. Rajesh Pilot (1945-2000) was an Indian politician and a minister in the Government of India. He belonged to the Indian National Congress party and represented the Dausa constituency in Lok Sabha. His death anniversary is celebrated as "Prerna Divas".
His original name was Rajesh Vidhuri. Rajesh Pilot died on June 11, 2000 in a car accident near Jaipur. On this occation we will like to share on lines from former leader Sh. Rajesh Pilot.
"जब किसानों और मजदुरों के बच्चे पढ़-लिखकर उन
पदों पर पहुंचेंगे जहाँ से इस देश की नीतियाँ बनती हैं, तब भारत का सही
मायने में विकास होगा"
- श्री राजेश पायलट, किसान नेता, M.P.
- श्री राजेश पायलट, किसान नेता, M.P.
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