IIT Rajasthan started at IIT Kanpur

IIT Rajasthan is one among the new set of IITs announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. The location of the IIT in Rajasthan will be announced by the Govt. of India after completion of the formalities of land acquisition for setting up the new IIT in Rajasthan. However, in the meantime, IIT Kanpur has been designated as the mentor IIT for looking after the incubation activities of the new IIT in Rajasthan. The academic session in IIT Rajasthan was started from August 2008 at IIT Kanpur Campus.
During year 2009-08 IIIT Rajasthan have 4-year B.Tech. programme in three branches:
1.Computer Science and Engineering
2.Electrical Engineering
3.Mechanical Engineering
With a strength of 40 students in each branch.The curriculum, course structure and syllabus for the first year courses and the fee structure and other rules will be broadly same as in the mentor IIT i.e IIT Kanpur. The first year classes are proposed to be held at the IIT Kanpur campus and the students admitted will be relocated to the place in Rajasthan where the new IIT will be established. The students and the parents taking admission in the new IIT Rajasthan will be required to give an undertaking to this effect.

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