Rajasthan Police have arrested two Uttar Pradesh youths for their alleged involvement in a hawala racket. The duo — Mohammad Sadiq of Azamgarh and Mehboob Amion Sheikh of Jaunpur — were arrested on January 5 from a hotel in the Beawar area of Ajmer district. A third youth, Mohammad Sharif from Ajmer, was also arrested and the trio was sent in police remand, which ends on Tuesday.
The Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Rajasthan Crime Branch cops are quizzing the suspects who have reportedly admitted to being part in a hawala racket that has links in Dubai and Azamgarh. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Amandip Singh Kapoor, who is also Circle Officer (CO) of Beawar and supervising officer in the case, said: “We are probing into the hawala links of the accused and have collected vital clues from the accused. The numbers which were dialled from the different SIM cards are being verified. All the calls were made to Dubai.”
The Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Rajasthan Crime Branch cops are quizzing the suspects who have reportedly admitted to being part in a hawala racket that has links in Dubai and Azamgarh. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Amandip Singh Kapoor, who is also Circle Officer (CO) of Beawar and supervising officer in the case, said: “We are probing into the hawala links of the accused and have collected vital clues from the accused. The numbers which were dialled from the different SIM cards are being verified. All the calls were made to Dubai.”
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