Samajwadi Party and Rashtriya Janata Dal have decided to withdraw support to the United Progressive Alliance government. The SP, Bahujan Samaj Party and RJD members strongly opposed the Women's Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha, with one of them even trying to climb the Speaker's podium, leading to adjournment of the House till lunch. The Bill, slated to be introduced in the Rajya Sabha, created storm in the Lok Sabha soon after Speaker Meira Kumar welcomed a Croatian delegation and read out a reference on International Women's Day. The moment Kumar called for Question Hour, SP, BSP and RJD members trooped into the well demanding quotas for Other Backward Class, Dalit and Muslim women within the proposed law to reserve 33 per cent seats in Parliament and State assemblies for women.
The Speaker refused to adjourn the House and carried on with the Question Hour. SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav gestured his party members to move forward and himself marched to the Well from the side of the treasury benches. Dara Singh Chauhan (BSP) and Lalu Prasad and Umashanker Singh (both RJD) followed Yadav. At this moment, Mithilesh Kumar (SP) tried to climb the table placed in front of the Speaker prompting Leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee to request Yadav to control his members. On the SP chief's directive, the members retreated a bit but stayed put in the Well and continued to raise slogans. The Speaker then adjourned the House till 1400 hrs.
I think there is no need to give 33% reservation to women in parliament.bcoz they r capable to won without any resevation or support.there should not be any reservation in parliament all are equal if u have goodwill the n u have to right to go in parliament.BY LaxmiNarayan
ReplyDeleteWoman reservation is nice thing.