Delhi girl Manasvi Mamgai has been crowned Pantaloons Femina Miss India World for this year at a gala event on Friday night in Mumbai. She will represent India at the global pageant later this year. The 22-year-old girl has also won also the WGC Femina Miss Golden Heart title and Femina Miss Catwalk, among others. The other winners were Nicole Faria of Bangalore, who won Miss India Earth 2010 title, while Neha Hinge took the title of Miss India International 2010, according to the pageant's website.
The 18 finalists were judged by personalities like Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, writer Chetan Bhagat, tennis star Sania Mirza, boxer Vijender Singh, director Anurag Basu, designer Ritu Beri and actor Kunal Kapoor. This year, Sushmita Sen’s production company Tantra Entertainment has been awarded the India franchise to select participant for the Miss Universe contest and the winner will represent India at the international pageant. As a result, the Miss Universe title at the pageant was replaced by Miss International.
The 18 finalists were judged by personalities like Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, writer Chetan Bhagat, tennis star Sania Mirza, boxer Vijender Singh, director Anurag Basu, designer Ritu Beri and actor Kunal Kapoor. This year, Sushmita Sen’s production company Tantra Entertainment has been awarded the India franchise to select participant for the Miss Universe contest and the winner will represent India at the international pageant. As a result, the Miss Universe title at the pageant was replaced by Miss International.
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