After the Malegon blasts, the role of the radical Hindu outfit, Abhinav Bharat, resurfaced with the Rajasthan Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Friday arresting Devendra Gupta for his involvement in the Ajmer dargah sharif blasts in 2007. Three people were killed and 30 others injured when explosives kept in a tiffin box went off at the famous sufi shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti on October 11, 2007. In a breakthrough in the October 2007 bomb blast at the shrine of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer in which three persons were killed, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of Rajasthan on Wednesday night arrested one Devendra Gupta. A resident of Muzafarpur in Bihar, Gupta was on a visit to his parents' house at Bihariganj in Ajmer town to meet his ailing mother when the ATS, narrowing on him for some time, nabbed him. The 36-year-old Gupta, who is suspected to have links with a Hindutva terror outfit, was produced on Friday before the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Ajmer who remanded him to 12 days' police custody. “We are hopeful of cracking the Ajmer Dargah blast case,” said ATS Chief Kapil Garg
Though the officers of the ATS, which took over the blast case in May last year from the Special Operations Group (SOG), remained non-committal on Gupta's affiliations, Rajasthan Home Minister Shanti Kumar Dhariwal said the suspect is a worker (pracharak) of the RSS in Muzafarpur. “Devendra Gupta is an active member of the RSS. What he did was part of a larger game plan. Behind him is an organization which tries to incite violence between Hindus and Muslims,” Mr. Dhariwal said talking briefly to media persons here. “We are investigating the links of the organization with the RSS,” he asserted.
Though the officers of the ATS, which took over the blast case in May last year from the Special Operations Group (SOG), remained non-committal on Gupta's affiliations, Rajasthan Home Minister Shanti Kumar Dhariwal said the suspect is a worker (pracharak) of the RSS in Muzafarpur. “Devendra Gupta is an active member of the RSS. What he did was part of a larger game plan. Behind him is an organization which tries to incite violence between Hindus and Muslims,” Mr. Dhariwal said talking briefly to media persons here. “We are investigating the links of the organization with the RSS,” he asserted.
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