Girl commits suicide after cracking IIT-JEE, didn’t want to be an engineer

A 17-year-old girl in Kota, Rajasthan committed suicide because she didn’t want to become an engineer, and that too after clearing the IIT entrance exam. The girl jumped off a five storey building in Kota and was declared brought dead when taken to the hospital. She had...

11 Dead including 7 disabled children from govt-run home in Jaipur, Rajasthan

11 Dead including seven children, who were staying at a government-run home in Jamdoli have died, reportedly after drinking contaminated water. Another three children are in critical condition at a hospital in Jaipur, 18 km from the home where they fell sick. People at the...

RPSC Ajmer issued RAS Examination 2016 Notification

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), Ajmer issued Notification for Rajasthan Admin. Services (RAS) Combined Competitive Prelims Examination 2016, RAS Pre 2016 examination will be held on 28th August 2016 as per Official Notification...

PSLV-C33 successfully launches IRNSS-1G

India successfully launched another milestone in Space science on Thursday afternoon with the launch of its seventh navigational satellite through PSLV. It will become only the fifth country in the world to have its own satellite navigation system. The launch took place...

Cabinet approves 200 mw solar project at Jetsar in Rajasthan

Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for utilization of 400 hectares of un-cultivable farm land at the Central State Farm (CSF), Jetsar in Sri Ganganagar District, Rajasthan for setting up of a solar Power Plant of capacity...

Deepika Kumari equals world record at Archery World Cup

India's Deepika Kumari has equalled the World Record in the Women's Recurve event at the qualifying stage. The 21-year-old tallied a score of 686 out of 720 in the qualifying round of the Shanghai World Cup, thereby equalling the record, held by Ki Boe Bae of South Korea.  Jo Areum of Korea finished second with a score of 676 while Lisa Unruh...

Jaipur to host Commonwealth Judo Championships 2018

Judo Federation of India (JFI) announced that it has been allotted the Commonwealth Judo Championships 2018 which will be organised in Jaipur. "The Commonwealth Judo Championships 2018 were allotted to India, by the Commonwealth Judo Congress held April 23 at Port Elizabeth,...

Collector-SP conference to be held from May 4 to 6

Collector-SP conference will be held from May 4 to 6 in Jaipur. Chief Minister Smt. Vasundhara Raje will inaugurate the conference on May 4. The conference agenda was given final shape in the state cabinet meeting held on Tuesday. The cabinet also cleared proposals regarding providing special benefits to investors for the industrial development in...

संभाग स्तर पर खोले जाएंगे काउंटर तुअर (अरहर) व उडद की दालें अब 120 रुपये प्रतिकिलो की दर से मिलेंगी

राज्य दाल मिल एसोसिएशन द्वारा अब 120 रुपये प्रतिकिलो की दर से तुअर (अरहर) और उड़द की दाल आम उपभोक्ता को उपलब्ध कराने के लिए संभाग स्तर पर रिटेल काउंटर खोले जाएंगे। इस संबंध में खाद्य एवं नागरिक आपूर्ति विभाग के प्रमुख शासन सचिव डॉ. सुबोध अग्रवाल द्वारा बुधवार को दाल मिल एसोसिएशन...

Register complaints on portal within 24 hours, Public Grievances be resolved in timebound manner

Chief Minister Smt. Vasundhara Raje has directed the state government officials for timebound redressal of public grievances. She said that satisfying the complainant before final disposal of a complaint by way of cross verification was necessarily required. She asked for registration of all the complaints received during jansunvai (public hearings)...

Rajasthan Board 10th Results 2016

Rajasthan Board 10th Results 2016 Date, Merit: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer or BOSER is all set to declare Rajasthan Board Class 10th Results in the 1st Week of June 2016 inline with last year. RBSE Ajmer last year declared...

Rajasthan Board 12th Arts Results 2016

Rajasthan Board 12th Arts Results 2016 Date, Merit: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer or BOSER is all set to declare Rajasthan Board Class 12th Arts Results in the 3rd Week of May 2016 inline with last year. RBSE...

Rajasthan Board 12th Commerce Results 2016

Rajasthan Board 12th Commerce Results 2016 Date, Merit: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer or BOSER is all set to declare Rajasthan Board Class 12th Commerce Results in the 2nd Week of May 2016 inline with last year....

Rajasthan Board 12th Science Results 2016

Rajasthan Board 12th Science Results 2016 Date, Merit: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer or BOSER is all set to declare Rajasthan Board Class 12th Science Results in the 2nd Week of May 2016 inline with last year. RBSE Ajmer last year declared Rajasthan...

‘Nyay Aapke Dwar’ Campaign from 9th May 2016

The state cabinet has given nod for running the second phase of the ‘Revenue Lok Adalat – Nyay Aapke Dwar’ campaign from May 9 to July 1, 2016 and ‘Gram Uday se Bharat Uday’ campaign from April 14 to April 24, 2016. The cabinet has also given approval to financial restructuring of DISCOMS under ‘Uday’ Yojana. The decisions were taken during the state...

6% DA hike from 1st January 2016 for Rajasthan Govt Employees

Rajasthan state government on Wednesday announced 6% hike in the Dearness Allowance (D.A.) of the State Government employees. Dearness Relief (D.R.) for the pensioners has also been increased by 6%. The D.A. hike would be effective from January 1st, 2016. The prevalent D.A....

Jackie Chan Wax Figure unveiled by Sonu Sood in Jaipur Wax Museum

Pink City, which is known for its rich heritage, would now also be home to a wax museum for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. Anoop Srivastava the creative head of the project and director of Entertainment 7 Creative Ventures shared that the museum would not just...