New Ten rupee coin introduced by RBI will be available in market soon

RBI is ready to issue a new bimetallic 10 Rupee coin for circulation. It will be soon available in the market as per government. The ten rupee coin will have a diameter greater than that of the two rupee coin. The weight of the coin would be 8 gram and diameter would be 28 millimetres. The National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, has prepared the design for the ten rupee coin. Coins are minted at the five Government Mints at Mumbai, Alipore in Kolkata, Saifabad in Hyderabad, Cherlapally in Hyderabad and Noida in Uttar Pradesh.
The look: The obverse side has the lion capitol with numeral 10 and year of manufacture. On reverse side, a double line cross with a dot in each pellet of cross and denomination written in Hindi and English around. This design has been prepaed by National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad with the theme of Unity in Diversity. The outer side metal is Nickel-Bronze and the inner side metal is Ferrous Steel. The weight of the coin would be 8 grams and the diameter would be 28 mm.


  1. This coin is in market...

  2. the coin is awesum.. very nice..

  3. a coin is very nice and low desin and cost of coin is high so is not proper run bez maximam people is colleted and not proper run...........
