LK Advani, Narendra Modi and Madhya pradesh CM Shivraj singh will address rally on 3rd May at rajasthan. As per BJP Spokeman Arun chaturvedi the visit programs in rajasthan by these programs are:
Rally by LK Adavani:
1. Alwar , 11:15 AM
2. Chomu, Jaipur 12:40 PM
3. Bharatpur at 2:30 PM
Rally by Narendra Modi:
1. Churu, 10:45
2. Kota, 12:40
3. Pali, 2:45
4. Rajsamand, 4:00
5. Jodhpur, 7:00
Other BJP Leaders will also address rally at different places at rajasthan is going to caste vote on 7 May 2009.
1. Alwar , 11:15 AM
2. Chomu, Jaipur 12:40 PM
3. Bharatpur at 2:30 PM
Rally by Narendra Modi:
1. Churu, 10:45
2. Kota, 12:40
3. Pali, 2:45
4. Rajsamand, 4:00
5. Jodhpur, 7:00
Other BJP Leaders will also address rally at different places at rajasthan is going to caste vote on 7 May 2009.
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