Central University has formally announced to start seven new courses from the next session on Sunday. While interacting with media, the vice-chancellor of CU, M M Salunkhe, said, “After intense deliberation with academic bodies, we have chalked out seven new courses.” This course is only available in some premier universities in the UK and the USA. They aim to spread this progressive Islamic school of thought.
“During this period, we have organised many seminars on contemporary issues in society, economics and polity,” added Salunkhe. He said the next session will commence in the new building at Badar Sindri in Kishangarh. The government had allotted 518 acres at Bandar Sindri. “Erection of barbed-wire fencing is completed. A proposal for construction of 33 kv power grid sub-station has been submitted,” Salunkhe said.The new courses are Masters degree in architecture, MSC/PHIL programme in Biotechnology, Msc/M phil in environmental science, Msc/Mphil in physics, MA/Mphil in Hindi and chair in Sufism and MA in cultural studies and media science.For more details visit: www.curaj.ac.in