Former chief minister Vasundhara Raje visited Gopalgarh on Wednesday, where 10 people died in police firing and violence recently. “The Congress is not capable of running the state. The Gopalgarh incident is rather sad and reflects poorly on the administration,’’ Raje said during her visit. She also demanded chief minister Ashok Gehlot’s resignation. “Just accepting administrative lapses will do no good. For the way the incident was handled, the chief minister should voluntarily resign on moral grounds,’’ she said.
Raje met the representatives of both the communities and along with the family members of the victims. She visited the mosque in Gopalgarh and the disputed land. “The state government is absolutely insensitive. It took the chief minister 10 days to visit the spot where 10 people had died. The Congress leaders are busy in the infighting and making contradictory statements,’’ she said. Raje was accompanied by a team of senior MLAs including Rajendra Rathore, Kalicharan Saraf, Ashok Parnami, Dr Digambar Singh and party vice-president Suman Sharma.
Raje met the representatives of both the communities and along with the family members of the victims. She visited the mosque in Gopalgarh and the disputed land. “The state government is absolutely insensitive. It took the chief minister 10 days to visit the spot where 10 people had died. The Congress leaders are busy in the infighting and making contradictory statements,’’ she said. Raje was accompanied by a team of senior MLAs including Rajendra Rathore, Kalicharan Saraf, Ashok Parnami, Dr Digambar Singh and party vice-president Suman Sharma.