Pr-requisite: 1). Form 16 & 2. Income tax Ward No/ Circle (Ask Account Section).
Steps for E-Filing:
1. Visit Income tax website:
2. Register yourself at website, for which you have to click over Register Button as shown below.

3. A New window will open, Enter PAN Card Number and click over Click Me Button that will validate you PAN Card detail.
4. Now registration form will appear where you have to enter your detail, Please enter correct E-Mail ID as further correspondence will be made by E-Mail Only.
5. Note the PAN No(which is also USER ID), Password, Email Id.
6. A Verification Mail is sent to your Email, Click over varification link in E-Mail and proceed for Login.
7. Now Login to E-Filing website using PAN Card No as User Name and Password which you have provided earlier for login.
8. Now you are Login to IT Return Online website and get welcome message as shown below.

9. Now you need IT Return Form SAHAJ which you have fill and Submit Online at website, which can be downloaded from
Downloads =>
AY 2011-12.
10. Download the Form
ITR-1 (SAHAJ) in
Excel Utility(Version 1.0) [Also known as Software which is actually Modified Excel File], Download will provide you a .Zip or .rar file having return form for online e-Filing.
11. Extract the .zip or .rar file and open the return Form.
12. You will get warning message if using Office 2007 in top else go to option manually and enable the content as mention in HELP.txt file in Folder as shown below.

13. This excel file contan three sheet named "Income Details, TDS, Taxes Paid and Varification".
14. Fill the forms provided in sheet as per guidence.
Income Detail: This section contains you name, PAN, Address, IT Ward/Circle which you have to ask your Account section or friends for your City/State. Fill the detail in GREEN AREAS Only leave blanck the YELLOW area that will be calculated automatically once you fill complate all 3 sheets and click over Calculate TAX at Last before submission
15. After filling the sheet on Click over Validate Button, If any error, correct it and validate again, then move to next sheer "TDS"
. TDS: This section contains the TAX paid so far by You, Put the detail of tax paid by you or your employeer from salary as per Form 16.
17. After filling the sheet on Click over Validate Button, If any error, correct it and validate again, then move to next sheer "TDS"
Taxes Paid and Varification: Chech that Total Tax Paid must be same as Tax paid in Form 16, Fill the requested details and leave TRP Details Blank if you are not TAX agent or taking help from agent.
19. After filling the sheet on Click over Validate Button, If any error, correct it and validate again, then move to next sheer "TDS"
20. Now to go Sheet1 "Income Details" Click over "Calculate Tax" Button on Top, That will calculate the Actual Tax that need to be Paid in Yellow Color Fields as shown Below.

21. Now Click over Print to take Print, Take a Print out of 3 Pages if need for reference.
22. Now Click over "XML Generate" Button, that will convert your form into XML format.
23. Locate the XML File generated having Naming "ITR1_PANCARDNO.xml" in your System that is File which need to be submitted for the IT Return Online.
24. Now Login back to to submit this XML file for E-Filing.
25. Below Submit Button in Left Panel go to "Select Assessment Year" => AY 2011-12
26. Now select Form name ITR-1 as shown below. Click over NEXT Button.
27. Now Click over browse to Upload the XML File from your PC and Click over Upload Button.
28. Now After submission you will get option to download e-filing copy in ZIP format
29. This Zip File is password proteceted Password is PANCARDNO followd by Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY)
30 Take a Printout of PDF File and send it to requested adddress in 3-4 Month time frame.
You are Done !!