100 Crore to strengthen Civil defense setup by Govt

To strengthen the civil system in nation, government has approved a Rs 100 crore scheme to strengthen the civil defense setup in the country and has also legalised services of civil defence volunteers for disaster management related activities. The Centre also reviewed the overall preparedness for the ensuing South-west monsoon with all the stakeholders involved, including relief Commissioners and Secretaries and Department of Disaster Management of States and Union Territories while discussing other disaster management related issues.
Inaugurating an annual conference on the issue, Secretary (Border Management) in the Ministry of Home Affairs Vinay Kumar said that having mitigation measures in development planning is the need of the hour for minimising the adverse impact of disasters as their occurrence cannot be prevented. The India Meteorological Department (IMD), the Central Water Commission (CWC), Department of Space, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Ministry of Defence made their presentations and briefed the participants about various measures being taken by them to meet the challenges of man-made and natural disasters. This will help civil system to tackel against all dissaster and social problems.


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